Vegetarian Frittata 385g


Delicious golden brown frittata, made with a mix of seasonal vegetables.

Ingredients: eggs, salt and pepper, parsley, parmesan cheese, spring onions, seasonal vegetables.

Serves: 1 ===385g



Preheat Instructions:

  • Microwave: Remove the lid and preheat as it is.
  • Stovetop: Remove from the container, transfer it to a pot and heat as you like.

Preheat Instructions:

  • Microwave: Remove the lid and preheat as it is.
  • Stovetop: Remove from the container, transfer it to a pot and heat as you like.
  • Preheat Instructions:

Storage instruction:

Keep it in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Can be frozen at -18c

Please note: all orders must be in by Sunday at midnight to be processed for the following week.